
Called to the Bar in 2019


Level 16 Quay Central
T | 07 3360 3360
E | [email protected]


Called to the Bar in 2019

Areas of Expertise

  • Administrative Law
  • Arbitration
  • Building & Construction
  • Competition & Consumer
  • Contract and General Commercial
  • Corporations
  • Equity and Trusts
  • Inquiries and Coronial Inquests
  • Insolvency
  • Insurance
  • Professional Negligence
  • Resources & Infrastructure
  • Superannuation
  • Tax
  • Transport


Alexander practises predominantly in commercial and corporate litigation.

Alexander has experience in complex commercial disputes across various areas including joint ventures, construction, infrastructure and resources, insolvency, trade practices, professional negligence, insurance and general contract.  He has appeared led and unled in the Federal Court of Australia and the Supreme, District and Magistrates Courts of Queensland.

Alexander also has experience in Commissions of Inquiry and regulatory matters, as well as expertise in aviation and maritime law.

  1. Master of Laws (First Class Honours), University of Cambridge
  2. 3 Verulam Buildings Prize for International Commercial Litigation (Cambridge)
  3. Bachelor of Laws (Hons), University of Queensland
  4. Bachelor of Commerce (Finance), University of Queensland

Prior to being called to the Bar in 2019, Alexander was an Associate to the Hon. Justice Byrne AO RFD in the Supreme Court of Queensland. He has also worked for a number of years as a solicitor in litigation and arbitration for a top-tier international firm in London and as the Litigation and Regulatory Counsel for a major international airline.

Alexander has experience in complex commercial disputes including joint ventures, construction, resources and infrastructure, trade practices, insolvency, professional negligence and general contract. Alexander has acted in a range of courts, tribunals, arbitral bodies, commissions of inquiry and mediations.

He advises corporations and individuals on a range of matters including shareholders disputes, corporate liability and insolvency, contractual liability, and has defended companies and directors in regulatory prosecutions.

Alexander has specialist experience in aviation law and has advised insurers on related risks.

While undertaking his LLM studies at Cambridge, Alexander was awarded the 3 Verulam Buildings Prize for the highest mark in International Commercial Litigation.

  1. Arbitration – Acting for the owner of a renewable energy facility in a dispute with its construction
    contractor; advising in relation to arbitral proceedings concerning defective aircraft parts
  2. Consumer law & breach of warranties / summary judgmentStar Kingdom Investments Pty Ltd v
    Camatic Pty Ltd [2024] FCA 329 (unled; successful summary judgment application)
  3. Civil procedure / Legal professional privilegeSantos Limited v Fluor Australia Pty Ltd & Anor (No 3)
    (2021) 9 QR 353 (led by S Couper KC)
  4. Discovery / practice & procedureCanstruct Pty Ltd v Project Sea Dragon Pty Ltd (Subject to a Deed
    of Company Arrangement) (No 3) [2023] FCA 905
  5. Equity and trusts / Constructive trusts – Acting for the defendants in two separate actions seeking
    the imposition of a constructive trust over substantial business assets. Settlement of one action
    approved in Ward v Ward (Supreme Court of Queensland, Brown J, 6 February 2024)
  6. Commissions of Inquiry – Counsel Assisting the Paradise Dam Commission of Inquiry (2020) (led
    by J Horton KC)
  7. Construction and infrastructure / Breach of contract – Acting for Fluor Australia Pty Ltd and Fluor
    Corporation with respect to Supreme Court proceedings brought by Santos Ltd in relation to the
    construction of CSG infrastructure (led by G A Thompson KC, S Couper KC, L Kelly KC and
    D O’Sullivan KC)
  8. Construction and infrastructure / Payment claimsCanadian Solar Construction Pty Ltd v Oakey
    Pty Ltd [2023] QSC 288 (led by Stumer KC)
  9. Insolvency / Corporations
    • Proceedings to set aside a DOCA: Canstruct Pty Ltd v Project Sea Dragon Pty Ltd (Subject to a Deed of Company Arrangement) (No 4) [2024] FCA 112 (led by Martin KC)
    • Acting for a secured creditor seeking the transfer of shares in an insolvent company: Colwell (Deed Administrator), in the matter of Wealth Mining Pty Ltd (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) v Wealth Resources Pty Ltd [2021] FCA 857 (unled)
    • Successful stay of orders pending appeal: [2024] FCA 479
  10. Maritime – acting for freight forwarders in a claim involving breaches of security at a port
  11. Superannuation / Professional responsibility / Tax
    • Acting for the regulator in Wright v Australian Prudential Regulation Authority [2024] FCA 183(unled)
    • Acting for the trustee of an industry superannuation fund defending alleged breaches of the best interests covenant in s 52 of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993
    • Acting for the Commissioner of Taxation in proceedings involving assessments made pursuant to s 167 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936
  12. Professional negligence / Insurance – Acting in proceedings against a financial advisor concerning the provision of insurance advice (led by C Heyworth-Smith KC); acting in proceedings against a conveyancing firm (unled)
  13. Misleading or deceptive conduct – Acting (unled) in proceedings in the Supreme Court of Queensland involving claims of misleading or deceptive conduct
  14. Property / Land law – Advising in relation to the purchase of rural crown leasehold land
  15. Regulatory investigations – Acting for the defendants in a regulatory investigation and at a sentencing hearing before the Magistrates Court
  16. Injunctions – Acting and advising in relation to proceedings seeking interim and permanent injunctions
  17. Costs & interestCanadian Solar Construction (Australia) Pty Ltd v Oakey Pty Ltd [2024] QSC 027(led by Stumer KC)


Level 16 Quay Central
T | 07 3360 3360
E | [email protected]


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16 Quay Central Chambers

Level 16 Quay Central
95 North Quay
Brisbane, Qld, Australia, 4000

General Administration

Nicole Mackay | 16 Quay Central Pty Ltd
T | 07 3360 3332
E | [email protected]